Here's a selection of lovely feedback I've had for my work over the years...
"It is always a pleasure to work with you - the quality of the work is excellent and your skill and warmth with people is very valued. It's a winning combo!"
Jane McArdle - University of Birmingham
"Just a note to say thank you for your fabulous work on the CBSO Schools project this Spring term! I’ve had highly complimentary feedback about you from all schools involved and the prints all look incredible"
Carolyn Burton - CBSO
"May I just say, a wonderful series of activities, the products of which are displayed throughout our house. Many thanks to Benny and Sam."
Parent feedback from a workshop at Bantock House, Wolverhampton
"You were amazing, your way with the children was just beautiful, it made my heart shine! So proud to have you delivering for SSS"
Sissy Rooney - Street Style Surgery
"Many thanks for the session last week. It was really lovely and such a joy to see the children engaged and responsive. We have had some images come through and parents have conveyed their thanks and how much their little ones 'adored' the session."
Sonia Sabri - Sonia Sabri Company
"I just wanted to send you a quick email to say thank you for the brilliant models you made with Reception at Greenholm. They will really help to bring the story to life. I can’t believe you got them to make so much in such a short space of time!"
Ryan Pritchard - Birmingham Hippodrome
"Thanks so much for your email - and for all your hard work on our new dragon head! It looks fab and I am planning to use it straightaway with Year 3 this morning to practise some dragon movements for their assembly!
Can I also just same a huge thank you and pass on how grateful we are to you that everything has just worked like clockwork. I also passed our thanks onto the HEN team to say how lovely it has been to have you in; especially the way you had all the resources and materials you needed, relieving some of the pressure on us to prepare things. That kind of thing is priceless to us!"
Dan Jones - Allens Croft Primary School
"I just received an email from one of the participants that I wanted to pass on to you – she’s put “I had a lovely time at Aston Hall. Benny was so kind and welcoming and I enjoyed the new experience of plaster working. There was tea or coffee to drink and I enjoyed a little tour of some of the rooms with friendly people.” Thank you again so much for doing this, and for the pictures which look fantastic."
Rosie Barker - Birmingham Museums Trust
"Well you do give a marvellous tour & talk – well-informed, perceptive, confident, dry, witty, and occasionally scathing which is particularly enjoyable 😊 I think there’s a Brian Sewell-Matthew Collings hybrid-art-critic inside of you…just waiting to break free."
Tess Radcliffe - Wolverhampton Art Gallery
"Just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you again for today. I’m hearing very positive things coming from Y5 - and the artwork looks great! Staff were also very positive about the training this afternoon: I think it’s really inspired/invigorated them - it definitely feels like everyone is really looking forward to getting going on our Art units. So thanks again: just what was needed!"
Tom Etheridge - St Matthews Primary School
"Yesterday was a very busy concert – our best Family Concert ticket sales this year! Some of our staff were there with their children and they asked me to feedback to you that they thought your activity yesterday was one of the best they have done so far – lots of choice and the possibility to adapt it easily to different ages. So thank you, once again, for being fantastic!"
Lauren Craner - CBSO
"Benny was excellent, very patient, calm and encouraging. Us moms couldn't believe our eyes how he managed to get everyone so focused drawing during the galleries visit! Every single child was busy concentrating and really focusing on their drawings. It was wonderful to watch."
Parent feedback from a group of home educators following a visit to the Barber Institute
"I just wanted to drop you an email to express my thanks to you both for all your hard work and help in making Summer in Southside such a success. The Tangle and Library workshops, both in organisation and delivery, were really excellent and I very much enjoyed participating myself!"
Graham Callister - Birmingham Hippodrome
"I've just spoken to two different parents who both attended last Sunday’s ship building and both were gushing about it. They both said how fabulous it was and have booked onto more Family Sundays. One also noted the amount of 'Dad participation' going on so a good one for family learning too! Thanks so much and well done."
Jen Ridding - The Barber Institute of Fine Arts
"I just wanted to say a big thank you from myself and Katie for a great job on Saturday. I knew from working with you many times before that you'd be great for this event and you were. You can't know how much of a relief it was to have some fantastic activities on in the foyer before the concert. The children loved their toys with many holding onto them very tightly throughout their whole stay. And you threw yourself into talking to people, tiding up and helping out at the end - not something we've had from artists before! Thank you again and I look forward to working with you more at the CBSO."
Claire Marshall - CBSO
"Its an absolute pleasure working with Benny Semp. Benny is incredibly professional in his work. His approach in the amount of quality preparation, both physically and intellectually ensures that his delivery is seamless and calm with his creative art projects and programmes. Benny has been working with The New Art Gallery Walsall since 2008 in devising, preparing and delivering as part of both the formal and informal programme to participants over a wide age range of both adults and children, cultural mix and ability range. I can trust Benny with any part of the education programme in the knowledge that it will be exciting, creative, engaging and professionally delivered."
Zoe Renilson - The New Art Gallery Walsall
"Benny has brought out of the children a thirst for learning new techniques in art and they have had a chance to really get 'hands on' within the group - something which is often shyed away from by teachers in the classroom during school hours. It has been an opportunity for children to value their art work and take pride in pieces that they create. His calming approach with the children has earnt him a lot of respect from them. It certainly has inspired me to use more of these activities with the children at school - as it is clear how much it benefits the children!
With reference to our new creative curriculum currently being written within the school, Benny has helped create key areas around school which reflect some of the themes of the new curriculum and will be places for children to reflect on their work throughout their schooling."
Ruth Price - Adderley Primary School
"Many thanks again for delivering the art Inset, all the staff comments on the day were very positive and I think that everyone enjoyed the afternoon. We could have done with a whole day really so that we could go into more detail, so if i'm given another Inset i'll be in touch!"
Claire Campbel - Meadow View Primary School
"I wanted to thank you for making our visit to the gallery so enjoyable. The girls have returned to school inspired by their day with you. We have just finished painting their sculptures in bronze and are about to embark upon some Hirst spot collages.
Parents have also written in to say how enthused the girls had been after this visit. Your hard work is very much appreciated and we look forward to returning next year."
Teacher Feedback following a school visit to The New Art Gallery Walsall
"The children at Victoria Park Academy had a really exciting time with their Arts Week entitled ‘Artifiction!!!’ The idea was to encourage the children to write creative adventure stories using Art & Design as their stimulus. To support our theme we had professional artists who worked with the children in various year groups. Year three created clay dinosaur fossils, 3D models and a giant floor puzzle of dinosaurs and bones rather like the game ‘Snakes & Ladders’ thanks to Benny Semp.
The school ended the week with a show case Gallery to present the children’s creative work and to celebrate their achievements. The whole school project was both successful and rewarding as it promoted writing and encouraged the children to take a more creative approach in writing stories with great confidence.
'It was really interesting and everybody put a lot of effort into doing all the art work, I especially enjoyed Year 3’s 3D model of the Meteor Scene.' Year 4 Child"
From an article in Arts Connect Newsletter Issue 8
"Thank you on behalf of the Trust for your contribution, you always manage to come up with a great activity for the children and your contribution made a big difference to the success of the afternoon."
Sue Brain - Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens Trust
"I have had lots of feedback from the parents and children - they were all thrilled with the session which is always so lovely to hear"
Christine Moohan - Kids West Midlands